FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Why is Cash on Delivery (COD) not available for my order?

A1: To ensure a seamless and secure shopping experience, sometimes Cash on Delivery might not be available to selective pin codes or during some sale events.

Q2: What payment methods do you accept?

A2: We accept various online payment methods, including credit/debit cards, UPI, digital wallets, cash on delivery and other secure payment gateways. You can view the available options during the checkout process.

Q3: Are there any additional fees for online payments?

A3: No, we do not charge any additional fees for online payments. You will only be charged the total amount shown during the checkout process.

Q4: What should I do if I encounter payment issues during checkout?

A4: If you encounter any payment issues, please double-check your payment information, ensure your card is valid, and try again. If the issue persists, contact our customer support for assistance.

Q5: Are my payment details secure?

A5: Yes, your payment details are secure. We use industry-standard encryption protocols to protect your personal and financial information.

Q6: How do I cancel my order?

A6: To cancel an order contact Customer Support at Whatsapp 7600527500 or mail us at info.sarthakfashion@gmail.com. Please review your order carefully before completing the purchase. If you encounter any issues, contact our customer support for assistance.

Q7: When can I expect my order to be delivered?

A7: Delivery times vary depending on your location. You can find estimated delivery times during the checkout process and track your order using the provided tracking number.

Q8: Do you offer exchanges for purchased items?

A8: Yes, we offer a free one-time exchange for items purchased on our website. Please review our exchange policy for more details.

Q9: How does the one-time free exchange work?

A9: If you are unsatisfied with your purchase or need a different size or color, you are eligible for a one-time free exchange. Simply contact our customer support via WhatsApp at +91 7600527500 or send an email to info.sarthakfashion@gmail.com within 5 days of receiving your order to initiate the exchange process.

Q10: Is reverse shipping available for product returns?

A10: No, reverse shipping is not available for product returns. However, reverse shipping is available exclusively for exchanges.

Q11: How does the reverse shipping process work for exchanges?

A11: If you wish to exchange a product, our customer support will guide you on the reverse shipping process. We cover the shipping fees when exchanging for another item.

Q12: How can I initiate a return and refund?

A12: To initiate a return and refund, please contact our customer support. You will be required to ship the product back to our company's warehouse. Detailed instructions will be provided upon initiating the return process.

Q13: Why is reverse shipping not available for returns?

A13: The absence of reverse shipping for returns is a measure to ensure the safety of the returned product and expedite the refund process. By having customers ship the product back, we can inspect it promptly and process refunds within 24 hours of receiving the item.

Q14: When can I expect the refund after returning the product?

A14: We aim to process refunds within 24 hours of receiving the returned product at our warehouse. The actual refund time may vary depending on your payment method and financial institution.